Refund Policy for Unfulfilled Orders

1. Eligibility for Refund:

      • You are eligible for a refund if your order cannot be fulfilled due to product unavailability, or any other reason attributable to us.

      2. Refund Process:

        • If your order is deemed unfulfilled, we will notify you via email or phone or messenger as soon as possible.
        • You will receive a full refund for the unfulfilled items, including any shipping charges if applicable.

        3. Refund Timeline:

          • Once the refund is initiated, it may take 5-10 business days for the amount to be credited back to your original payment method, depending on your bank or payment provider.

          4. How to Request a Refund:

            • If you believe your order is unfulfilled and you have not received a notification from us, please contact our customer support team at FB/ IG messenger with your order details.

            5. Exceptions

              • This refund policy applies only to orders that are unfulfilled. For issues related to damaged, defective, or incorrect items, please refer to our standard return and exchange policy.

              6. Contact Us:

                • For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please reach out to our customer support team at FB/ IG messenger

                By placing an order on our website, you agree to this refund policy for unfulfilled orders. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

                Thank you for shopping with us!